When should I use Reprints Desk and how does it work?
Reprints Desk is used when you need to obtain copyright fee paid (CFP) articles. You use them if you:
- Cannot obtain the article from an NHS source, or when an article is required for individual use and you can’t source a library privilege copy even from the British Library (BL).
- The requestor needs to share the article with others and/or needs to make copies.
Once the copyright fee is paid, the NHS owns the copy. It can then be requested by other services free of charge. As part of the new NHS CLA Licence, the NHS buys an allocation of CFP articles up to a set sum of money, each year. Each request for a new CFP article draws from this sum.
You will need to register with Reprints Desk using your generic library email address. To use Reprints Desk you must be a participant in INCDocs.
Add the DOI or PMID of the article to the request form. This should autopopulate the other fields in the form. The cost of the article will be displayed. If the article costs more than £50, check with the requestor whether an alternative would meet the need.
If a DOI or PMID is not available, the request will be costed manually by the CLA. They will email the cost to you and give you the option to make or decline the request.
If the requestor definitely needs to share the article with others and/or make copies, and it's not available from an NHS source, please go ahead and place the request.
If you have a query, contact the NHS Copyright First Responders on nhscopyrightqueries@knowledgeforhealthcare.nhs.uk.