Where else can I use LibKey links?
Many website support the addition of link resolver base URLs to support linking from references and other points.
There are FAQs on
Implementing LibKey in PubMed
Adding LibKey links to Google Scholar
We have enabled linking from BMJ Best Practice for all NHS England related LibKey accounts and are working on including them in Zotero. Links are already in place for Ovid, EBSCOHost and Proquest.
Other publishers / suppliers to consider.
Elsevier - Third Iron provide instructions to add your LibKey links to Science Direct and contacts to do so for ClinicalKey.
Third Iron also offer information for a number of other popular options - including UpToDate
If you have another resource and you want to add your LibKey links the base URL takes the following form where you substitute the LibraryID that is visible when you use Browzine.