How do I use INCDocs?
INCDocs is simple to use with a DOI / PMID look up to drive the requesting process.
Supplying libraries are sent an email with a link to the required article. INCDocs generates a formatted response email and all that remains is to mark the request complete. In the event you need to decline the system will email the requesting library.
To avoid open requests you need to ensure you either mark the request complete or decline it. Where you received duplicate requests you should decline one of them and supply against the other.
For a walk through please see the 11 minute video on YouTube at shows a real life request and supply process carried out by members of the pre launch testing group.
A step-by-step guide in Word format is linked to this FAQ and provides a rapid overview of the process in action with supporting information.
INCDocs does record requests for analytics purposes but does not link your requests for a particular article. This means that you may be offered a library that has already declined a request. If this happens then you can refresh the page until you are offered an alternative library. It does mean you need to record who has declined a request to stop you asking the same library again. The number of declines will fall as HLM data improves so this will become less of an issue.
For further information please see the other INCDocs FAQs on this knowledgebase.