How do I link my NHS OpenAthens account to eLfH
Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click on ‘Sign On with OpenAthens’ (top right hand corner of page)
Step 3: Enter your OpenAthens details:

Step 4:
If you have an existing eLfH account, fill in the boxes on the left hand side and follow the instructions to find and link your account.
If you don't already have an eLfH account, click on ‘Proceed to next step’ (right-hand side of page towards the bottom):

Step 5: Enter your details to create an e-LfH account:

You should then be logged in to the e-LfH site. You only have to do this process once. The next time you want to access, just click on the "Sign on with OpenAthens" button, enter your OpenAthens details, and it should take you straight to your eLfH page/records.