Statistics for the ThirdIron suite of products are prepared by them and emailed direct to you each month.
If you are not currently receiving any statistics for one or more of the Trusts you manage then please log a ticket with the Service Desk providing the relevant OpenAthens OrgID and the email address you want to use for receipt of reports.
Since July 2022 ThirdIron have produced statistics reports with a breakdown of the contribution of different ThirdIron products to your usage. The activity is broken down as follows:
LibKey Discovery - includes all API-integrated usage (Knowledge & Library Hub and TripPro)
LibKey Link - Databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, EbscoHost, Proquest etc
LibKey Nomad - Usage via the browser extension
LibKey.IO - Usage via DoI/PMID lookup, usage will also come from 3rd party sites
incorporating LibKey.IO to get to full text (For example Semantic Scholar)
BrowZine - Full text downloads through BrowZine
The reports include a break down of the extent to which the articles supplied across all the products were open access or via a subscription. LibKey prefers high quality Open Access results in the first instance (where it offers the version of record), then subscribed titles, then other sources. The reports include the numbers of downloads from open and non open sources plus the relative percentage. There are also figures for Articles in Context which is about times your users click on to other articles after they follow a link to Browzine.
See the eResources usage statistics guidance on the KLS website for more information.