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How can users download Kortext e-books to read offline?

Modified on: Fri, 10 May 2024 14:24
In order to access Kortext books offline, users will need to:
- Set up a Kortext account-
- Download the Kortext app onto their phone or tablet.

Setting up a Kortext account
Users will first need to sign into Kortext via with their OpenAthens account. (The 'Sign in to browse your institutional library' section)

Once they have done this, they can create a Kortext account by using the e-mail address linked to their OpenAthens account as the Username, and selecting 'Forgotten Password' which will send them an e-mail to enable to select a password.

Download the Kortext app

The app is available to download from the relevant app store and signing in with their Kortext account. 

Note that they would only see the books which they have already put on their bookshelf

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