How do I issue a book on Koha?
Issuing in Koha is called 'Check out'. When you want to issue an item to a patron you need to Check out a book to the patron.
Date: April 6, 2022
1. Find the patron
Place your cursor in the Search box on the Koha dashboard. Make sure the 'Check out' tab is highlighted.
2. Enter patrons name
Find the patron's account by searching for them (last name, first name). Click on the patron's details link to go to their account.
3. 'Check out' screen
The Check out screen should display next.
4. Click on Check out
To issue a book either scan the book's barcode or enter the barcode number into the input box manually and click the 'Check out' button.
5. Confirming Check out and due date
If the check out was successful a notification should appear directly under the check out input box, displaying the book's details and the due date. The 'Checkout(s)' tab should show the number of items checked out.
6. Click on Show checkouts
To see the full details of all books on loan to a patron click the 'Show checkouts' button.
7. Checked out
A table showing all items on loan to the patron will now display.
8. Issuing more books
To issue additional books continue to scan or enter in manually the book's barcodes and click 'Check out'
9. Confirm check outs
You can check that check outs were successful by either looking for the the notification message under the input box, or checking the list of titles in the Checkout(s) table.
10. Leaving the patron's account
When you have completed checking out items for the patron you must close the patrons account by clicking Home of the breadcrumbs to return to the Koha dashboard.