How do I find a patron?
1. Starting at the Koha dashboard, click on Patrons:

2. Start typing in the name of the patron
Search for the patron by entering their last name, followed by their first name. So, in this example I would enter in Test bart:

3. Koha presents me with a list of likely matches. The first one matches my patron, I click on the correct match.
If there is more than one patron with the name I am searching for I can click on the search button, this will show me more information on each of the patrons so I can determine which is the correct one:

4. The patrons record
I am now in the patrons record.
- I can make edits from this screen using the 'Edit' button at the top.
- I can change the patrons password using the ''Change password" button

5. The patrons record
From here...
- I can make edits from this screen using the 'Edit' button at the top.
- I can change the patron's password using the 'Change password' button
- I can issue, renew or return books for the patron using the 'Check Out' button in the left hand menu