How does LibKey prioritise full-text access to articles?
To provide LibKey best source linking, Third Iron’s systems process key information including:
- Journal holdings information
- Article Open Access availability
- Article Version of Record status and alternate version location
- Article retraction status and reasons for retraction
- Advanced knowledge of aggregator availability
LibKey uses proprietary AI-based technology to dynamically process these key data points to create the best link to content for millions of articles, from thousands of journals, across hundreds of publishers, and multiple platforms.
LibKey determines the best link for each article and informs the user of important information such as when an article has been retracted or when it is not the version of record.
The best link order is as follows:
- Version of record (VOR) article availability from the original publisher
- VOR from aggregators
- Non-VOR article link (Note, non-VOR article links are clearly signposted as non-VOR).
- LibKey will also link the user back to the library Link Resolver/ILL request form where no apparent source for the article is available.
Due to the challenge of signposting non-VOR articles they are treated slightly differently across products in the ThirdIron range.
LibKey Link (which provides the linking in the Knowledge and Library Hub and databases) does not include non VOR materials
Browzine by virtue of being focussed predominantly on your subscribed content does not include non VOR materials
LibKey Nomad does include a wider range of non VOR materials and hence may return an article that did not appear in Hub results
INCDocs will not include non VOR materials